Informational Purposes Only
General information available through the Bobi app about medical conditions, symptomology, available drugs, treatment options, and other educational materials is provided for general educational purposes only. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice from a physician or other qualified healthcare professional because of something contained in the Bobi app. If you have or suspect that you have an urgent medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified healthcare professional immediately.
Not for Emergencies
The Bobi app is not intended to be used to identify emergencies or to treat emergent, serious, or life-threatening conditions. If you are suffering from an emergent or life-threatening condition, call 9-1-1 where that service is available or go to the nearest open clinic or emergency room.
No Health Advice
The content and recommendations on the Bobi app are not designed, intended, or appropriate to replace your relationship with your healthcare professional, and should not be relied on as health advice.
Own Risk
Your use of any aspect of the Bobi app is at your own risk. You should consult with a licensed healthcare provider and make your medical decisions based on their advice.